S-U-P-E-R.ch - Fake-Sextortion

19.09.2022 - «We have pornographic images of you and will publish them unless you pay EUR 1,200.» Do not comply with such requests under any circumstances, as this is a nasty scam called fake sextortion. The blackmailers send such messages on the off-chance of reaching recipients who have visited pornographic websites. In most cases, the recipients are also put under pressure to pay the ransom quickly.

The NCSC is not aware of any cases so far where the blackmailed victims had compromising material. In the case of fake sextortion emails, the victims' computers are not infected, and the specified accounts have not really been hacked either.

  • Ignore such threatening messages, do not disclose any personal information and never pay a ransom.
  • If a password mentioned is one you use, you should change it immediately.

Further Informationen

The Information is available in German, French and Italian.

Last modification 19.09.2022

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