Current incidents


Beware of malware!
We are currently receiving reports of emails purporting to come from the Federal Administration claiming that the installation of "AGOV Access" will be mandatory for access to public online services from July 2024. When you click on the link, you are asked to install software. Attention: This is malware. Delete the e-mail.
28.06.2024 09:10
Fraudulent email concerning alleged tax refund
The NCSC is currently receiving reports of fraudulent emails that offer the prospect of an alleged entitlement to a tax refund. Attached to the e-mail is a pdf file. This file contains a link that leads to a page on which a lot of information is collected. Ignore these e-mails, do not open the pdf file and do not click on the link.
05.06.2024 13:20
Phishing email concerning alleged tax refund
The NCSC is currently receiving reports of phishing emails that offer the prospect of an alleged entitlement to a tax refund. The link leads to a phishing page. Ignore these emails, do not click on the link and do not enter any personal data on the phishing page.
30.01.2024 13:30

Statistics reports received


Hot topics


Brief technical analysis of the "Poseidon Stealer" malware

11.07.2024 - At the end of June 2024, cybercriminals spread the malware "Poseidon Stealer" in German-speaking Switzerland by email, using AGOV as a lure with the aim of infecting computers with the macOS operating system. The NCSC has now produced and published a brief technical analysis of the malware.

Florian Schütz in Seoul to take part in the OECD's Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity

10.07.2024 - Florian Schütz, Director of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Chairman of the Working Party on Digital Security (WPDS) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will take part in the Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity, which is being held in Seoul from 10 to 11 July 2024. His schedule includes chairing a panel dealing with the topic of regulation in digital security. The aim of the event is to conduct a joint dialogue, exchange experiences and work on the development of public strategies in the field of digital security.

Statistics Bug Bounty programme


Press releases


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