S-U-P-E-R.ch - Be sure to manage your passwords securely

15.05.2023 - The issue of password security can be a nuisance, as you have to create complex passwords and remember them. In addition, you are supposed to use a different password for every online account and can lose track of them.

Password management refers to secure password administration, specifically, the creation, storage and use of strong, unique passwords for various online accounts. A password manager or vault is a tool that does all the work for you when it comes to creating and storing secure passwords. It generates and stores complex passwords and fills them in automatically when you log in to websites and apps.

Recommendations for using password managers:

  • Use a trustworthy password manager that encrypts your data and requires a strong master password.
  • Create a different password for each online account.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.

Further Information:

Last modification 15.05.2023

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