04.04.2024 - Regular updates and up-to-date virus protection greatly improve cybersecurity. This is why the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP) and cantonal and communal police forces are now launching a further part of the national S-U-P-E-R.ch campaign emphasising the importance of up-dates and virus protection. The campaign is supported by the internet security platform iBarry and "eBanking – but secure!" (EBAS).
Improve your digital health – launch of national cybersecurity awareness campaign focusing on updates and virus protection
Under the slogan "Improve your digital health", the S-U-P-E-R.ch 2024 campaign is today turning its focus to updates and virus protection. The campaign echoes the healthy-living trend that has been popular for several years. But what about our digital health? Regular updates of the operating system, software and apps as well as up-to-date virus protection actively protect digital devices from intruders. If a device is protected properly, cyberattacks are made more difficult – and that applies to businesses, organsiations and private individuals. The S-U-P-E-R.ch campaign website explains more.
National awareness campaign on updates and virus protection
On 4 April the NCSC, the SCP and cantonal and communal police forces, supported by iBarry and EBAS, are launching a public awareness campaign on the importance of updates and virus protection. On a range of communication channels, the themes of fitness and health are used to illustrate that not only the body must be kept fit, but software too. The S-U-P-E-R.ch campaign website provides further information on the topic, and visitors to the site can take a quiz to see how much they have learnt. The campaign lasts until 30 April 2024.
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Last modification 04.04.2024