Cybersecurity: NCSC Director Florian Schütz attends various international events
Bern, 14.02.2025 - To strengthen international cooperation in cybersecurity, Florian Schütz, director of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), has been attending various international cybersecurity events over the past few days. He chaired a panel at the AI Action Summit in Paris on building trust in artificial intelligence, met with cybersecurity authorities ahead of the Munich Security Conference and took part in a discussion at the Munich Cybersecurity Conference on the latest developments and best practices.
International exchanges in the field of cybersecurity are crucial as cyber threats usually transcend national borders. International dialogue also promotes trust between states and enables a coordinated response to cyber incidents, thus increasing the security of all parties. To reinforce this exchange, Florian Schütz, the director of the NCSC, has been attending various cybersecurity events in Paris and Munich over the past few days.
AI Action Summit on the theme of building trust in AI
At the AI Action Summit in Paris, organised by the French government, the NCSC director chaired a panel on possible cooperation with the private sector during a side event hosted by the French cybersecurity agency (ANSSI). The event was dedicated to building trust in artificial intelligence and addressed the opportunities and risks of integrating AI into the work of cybersecurity authorities.
Strategic themes at Cyber Security Directors’ Meeting
The NCSC director then took part in the Cyber Security Directors' Meeting in Munich, which was organised by Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The meeting focused on strategic topics such as the further development of EU cyber security legislation and the evaluation of current initiatives, such as the High-Level Papers on Post-Quantum Cryptography and the joint declaration on NIS2 implementation.
Best practices at Munich Cyber Security Conference
In the run-up to the Munich Security Conference, Florian Schütz took part in the Munich Cybersecurity Conference to discuss the latest developments and best practices in the field of cybersecurity and to promote further international cooperation. These meetings provided an opportunity to intensify dialogue on global cyber security challenges and solutions and to further expand the role of the NCSC at the international level. Finally, the director of the NCSC took part in the Munich Security Conference as part of the Swiss delegation.
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NCSC Communications
+41 58 465 53 56
National Cyber Security Centre
General Secretariat DDPS
Last modification 08.12.2020