
12. June 2025 – Cybersecurity in SMEs

For many SMEs, cyberattacks are still an abstract and intangible danger. To make it easier for SMEs to get started with the topic of cybersecurity, the ITSec4KMU association is organising an awareness-raising event together with the National Cyber Security Centre Switzerland NCSC.

(Details will be published shortly)

20. March 2025 - Brown Bag Lunch:  Meldepflicht für Cyberangriffe bei kritischen Infrastrukturen

The reporting obligation for cyberattacks on critical infrastructure will be introduced in the first half of 2025. To show the affected organizations how to act correctly in the event of a cyberattack, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is organizing a series of online events on the topic of "reporting obligation for cyberattacks on critical infrastructure".

Online-Veranstaltungen zum Thema «Meldepflicht für Cyberangriffe bei kritischen Infrastrukturen»

Past events

11. June 2024 - Cybersecurity in SMEs

For many SMEs, cyberattacks are still an abstract and intangible danger. To make it easier for SMEs to get started with the topic of cybersecurity, the ITSec4KMU association is organising an awareness-raising event together with the National Cyber Security Centre Switzerland NCSC.

So gelingt KMU der Einstieg ins Thema Cybersicherheit

Last modification 18.03.2025

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