Cybersecurity has become a crucial issue at all levels. It is a key component of security policy, an essential prerequisite for digitalisation, a central factor in data protection, an opportunity for Switzerland as a business and research location, and an increasingly important element of foreign policy. However, as well as affecting these public-policy issues, it has long since become a factor in the daily interaction of all citizens with digital technologies. It follows from this that a national cybersecurity strategy must take into account a wide range of issues and measures.

Switzerland leverages the opportunities of digitalisation and mitigates cyberthreats and their impacts through appropriate protective measures. It is one of the world's leading centres of knowledge, education and innovation in the realm of cybersecurity. The capacity to act and the integrity of its population, economy and public authorities and of the international organisations based in Switzerland are protected against cyberthreats.
Objectives and measures
Target groups
Further Information
Last modification 15.04.2024