S-U-P-E-R.ch – Carry out regular updates

11.04.2024 - A healthy lifestyle involves having a good diet and regular exercise. It's the same in the digital sphere: for your software to be kept fit, it must be updated regularly. This is the only way that the software can provide effective protection against unauthorised access to your device.

There is no such thing as total security in IT systems, and vulnerabilities are part of everyday life. Cybercriminals exploit these vulnerabilities or security gaps to take control of your device. Software manufacturers are constantly working to fix known vulnerabilities as quickly as possible in order to protect your devices. They obtain information on vulnerabilities from tests and feedback from users or ethical hackers. As soon as the software manufacturer fixes the vulnerability, an update is published.

Why should updates be installed regularly and promptly?

Security gaps in software are dangerous. All software essentially contains vulnerabilities or security gaps, and these must be rectified regularly. Security vulnerabilities make it easier for cybercriminals to infect devices with malware, which can get into the systems and access or destroy sensitive data and information. Cybercriminals also exploit security loopholes to steal login data from online accounts or spy on account and credit card data.


  • Make sure your systems, programmes and apps are installed with the latest software updates.
  • Activate the automatic update function for the operating system and for all installed programmes and apps.
  • Only use the latest version of the browser to access the internet.
  • Updates are usually displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Install these updates immediately or shut down your computer daily. Updates are usually installed automatically when the device starts.

Further information

Last modification 11.04.2024

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