Information for individuals

Current warnings

E-mails with malware in the name of debt collection agencies and health insurance companies

02.12.2024 - The NCSC is currently receiving numerous reports of e-mails that claim to come from a debt collection agency or a health insurance company. They concern an alleged claim or reminder. Do not click on the link, as this is an attempt to distribute malware to Windows users.

Report cyberincidents to NCSC

The NCSC is grateful for reports of cyber incidents of any kind (phishing attempts, investment fraud, etc.) via the report form.

Report form

The weeks in review

The NCSC provides weekly information on current cyber incidents that have been reported.

Week 12: Ticket scammers target buyers and sellers

25.03.2025 - We regularly receive reports of ticket fraud, and with ticket sales for this year’s open-air season and the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest about to begin, the number of scams is likely to increase in the coming weeks. Scammers take advantage of the fact that demand for tickets outstrips supply: they resell tickets at inflated prices, sell counterfeit tickets and put fake ads on the internet. In an unusual and frequently reported scam, they try to lure their victims to a fake website. Exercise caution and don’t let scammers fool you.

Acting correctly

The ‘Current Topics’ section provides important information on how to stay safe on the internet, how to use QR codes, passwords, etc.

Overview of cyber threats and how to protect yourself from them

The ‘Current threats’ section provides an overview of the most important cyber threats, how to protect yourself from them and what to do if you are the victim of a cyber incident.

NCSC reports

NCSC semi-annual report:

The semi-annual report of the NCSC presents the most important cyber threats currently shaping Switzerland's threat landscape.

NCSC report 2024-1
All reports

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