Secure e-banking

Many bank customers make their payments online, and more and more e-banking transactions are also being carried out using mobile devices. Swiss financial institutions are working hard to offer the world's most secure e-banking systems. Most attempts at e-banking attacks are not directed at the financial institution itself, but at the bank customers’ devices. The following tips will help you use e-banking more securely.

Secure devices

  • Use e-banking only from a known and secure device.
  • This device should have virus protection, a firewall, an updated operating system and updated programmes.
  • Do not  e-banking transactions on publicly accessible computers, e.g. in internet cafés, hotels, etc.
  • It is best to use a device that you use exclusively for e-banking and that is not used to access the internet for any other reason.

Secure connection

  • Never start your e-banking session via a link. Always enter the address (URL) for your financial institution's e-banking manually in your browser's address bar.
  • Check that the connection is secure, as indicated by the browser's lock symbol and the fact that the address line begins with "https://".
  • End your e-banking session as soon as you are no longer actively using it by clickingon the link or the "Logout" or "Log off" button.

Beware of irregularities

  • Look out for irregularities, such as error messages or system interruptions during your e-banking session. In such cases, log out and terminate the connection.
  • If you are unsure about an error message or system behaviour, contact your financial institution's hotline.

Keep your login details private

  • Financial institutions will never contact you via email or telephone regarding your password.
  • Financial institutions never call you to test your e-banking access or to make a test payment. If you receive such a call, end the telephone conversation immediately.

e-banking on mobile devices

More and more e-banking transactions are being carried out using mobile devices. In most cases, an app from the respective financial institution is used:

  • When using mobile devices, take the same precautions as you would on your computer at home. Mobile devices must also be protected. Only a secure device can ensure secure e-banking.
  • Install the mobile banking app and all other apps only from the official app store.
  • Connect your device only to trusted networks when on the move.
  • If you lose your device, have it blocked immediately and inform the bank. Reset your mobile device correctly before sale or disposal.
  • If you receive text message codes to enable payments to be made, avoid using e‑banking on the same device to which the text message codes are sent.

Further Information

Last modification 17.03.2025

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