Strategy of the NCSC


The NCSC’s vision

Cyber security is a shared responsibility by government, business, academia and society. Many organisations and individuals find it difficult to assess and deal with cyber risks. A lack of transparency about the security of digital products, leads to uncertainty among consumers and to vulnerabilities. Due to the increasing connection of networks, extensive damage can occur, as a result of inadequately protected systems.

The NCSC's vision is to improve cyber security in Switzerland in close cooperation with all the relevant stakeholders:

The NCSC lays the foundations for the secure use of digital services and infrastructures in Switzerland and enables Switzerland to become a world leader in secure digitalisation.

Mission: The four strategic pillars of the NCSC

The core mission of the NCSC is to strengthen cyber security in critical infrastructures, the economy, the education system, the population and in government, by coordinating the implementation of the National Cyber Strategy (NCS).

To this end, its services are built on four strategic pillars:

Making cyber threats understandable
The NCSC breaks down the complexity of cyber threats into tangible messages for its various audiences, in order to facilitate dialogue between government, business and society on cyber security. Thus, enabling all its partners to take active responsibility in reducing systemic risks.
Providing the means to prevent cyberattacks
The NCSC reduces the attack surface presented by Swiss individuals and organisations in cyberspace. It proactively warns organisations of breaches, and provides them with the requisite intelligence and tooling to help prevent incidents.
Limiting the damage from cyber incidentsThe NCSC helps victims to limit the damage, as well as to minimise the risk of incidents propagating.
Increasing the security of digital products and services
The NCSC promotes business models, which incentivise manufacturers to offer products and services that are both secure and affordable. It promotes transparency for users so that they can make informed decisions about the cyber security of products and services.

The NCSC's operational model


Last modification 06.05.2024

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