Current incidents


Beware of malware!
We are currently receiving reports of emails purporting to come from the Federal Administration claiming that the installation of "AGOV Access" will be mandatory for access to public online services from July 2024. When you click on the link, you are asked to install software. Attention: This is malware. Delete the e-mail.
28.06.2024 09:10
Fraudulent email concerning alleged tax refund
The NCSC is currently receiving reports of fraudulent emails that offer the prospect of an alleged entitlement to a tax refund. Attached to the e-mail is a pdf file. This file contains a link that leads to a page on which a lot of information is collected. Ignore these e-mails, do not open the pdf file and do not click on the link.
05.06.2024 13:20
Phishing email concerning alleged tax refund
The NCSC is currently receiving reports of phishing emails that offer the prospect of an alleged entitlement to a tax refund. The link leads to a phishing page. Ignore these emails, do not click on the link and do not enter any personal data on the phishing page.
30.01.2024 13:30

Statistics reports received


Hot topics


Week 29: Be careful using public WiFi

23.07.2024 - Public WiFi networks at hotels, cafes and airports are a convenient and often free way to access the internet while avoiding roaming charges. Unfortunately, they are also a popular target for cybercriminals looking to steal personal information such as credit card details. Recently, a person was arrested in Australia for setting up fraudulent networks on planes and in airports.

Worldwide system failures due to faulty updates

19.07.2024 - The NCSC is aware of system failures worldwide and has received corresponding reports from various companies and critical infrastructures in Switzerland. It is a faulty update or misconfiguration by the company CrowdStrike that is causing these system failures. NCSC is in contact with the affected companies. There are currently no known outages in the Federal Administration.

Statistics Bug Bounty programme


Press releases


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