Informationen für Private


E-mails with malware in the name of debt collection agencies and health insurance companies

02.12.2024 - The NCSC is currently receiving numerous reports of e-mails that claim to come from a debt collection agency or a health insurance company. They concern an alleged claim or reminder. Do not click on the link, as this is an attempt to distribute malware to Windows users.

Caution: Fake letters on behalf of MeteoSwiss – Instead of a ‘Severe Weather Warning App’, malware is downloaded

14.11.2024 - Physical letters with MeteoSwiss as the sender are currently being sent out. The letters ask the recipients to download a new ‘Severe Weather Warning App’ via a QR code. However, malware is downloaded to the smartphone instead. This looks similar to the Alertswiss app from the Federal Office for Civil Protection on the smartphone's home screen.

Report cyberincidents to NCSC


The NCSC is grateful for reports of cyberincidents of any kind (phishing attempts, investment fraud, etc.) via the report form.

Report form

NCSC weekly reports on current cyberincidents

The NCSC provides weekly updates on current cyberincidents that have been reported.

Week 50: Spying on business emails

17.12.2024 - As a business, you send emails to your customers all the time: project enquiries and processing, order placement, payment and delivery terms – a lot of things happen through this communication channel. It takes little effort for scammers to exploit this, but the damage to the victim can be enormous. A very interesting case of this happening was recently reported to us.

Week 49: Churches, schools, associations and political parties increasingly the victims of CEO scams

10.12.2024 - Over the past week, the NCSC has received numerous reports of attempted CEO fraud phishing scams. Churches, schools, associations and political parties are particularly affected as they often publish a lot of information on their websites that criminals can use to create credible scams. The scammers' aim is to get victims to make payments or buy gift cards online and send them the codes so that the scammers can redeem them.

How to stay safe in cyberspace

The ‘Current Topics’ section provides you with important information on how to stay safe on the internet, how to use QR codes, passwords, etc.

Overview of cyber threats and how to protect yourself

The ‘Current threats’ section provides an overview of the most important cyber threats, how to protect yourself from them and what to do if you have fallen victim to a cyber incident.

NCSC reports

Semi-annual reports:

The National Cyber Security Centre's (NCSC) semi-annual report outlines the key cyber phenomena shaping Switzerland's threat landscape.

Halbjahresbericht 2024-1

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